AJAX for artists
Plasma Studii:

sorry if i wasn't clear. not what i meant by "just keep quiet". meant, "don't tell anybody, you are just doing it for no reason". glad people (and you) say stuff (even when i disagree). am mostly devils advocate who wants everybody to think hard about why they do what they do. so few admit the most trivial things to themselves.

and it is cool posting the "template" for folks to use and not have to figure out.

do think there's a weird imbalance of support for popularity over support for utility. group mentality is often a bad thing. (which is another reason to always be skeptical, i guess)

On Feb 6, 2006, at 11:03 AM, Jason Van Anden wrote:

Plasma Studii,

You bring up some really good points about past trends - I can certainly understand feeling burned by over-hyped new tech. Been there, done that.

I have been programming (not html coding, but programming) since around 1979 - making my living with it since 1990. I am not sure I need to justify my free advice beyond that.

Jason Van Anden

On 2/6/06, Plasma Studii wrote: ha ha. "to Ajax or not to Ajax" will probably be a moot point in a few years anyway. that's really not my question though. no, i don't mind obsoletism. though higher end tech, rarely becomes obsolete. C was around before most of us were born. Perl was probably around before the net. Java has existed since it was created. PHP is relatively new, but i do hope it survives (not because i can't learn a new thing?) but because it's a useful solution. (CGI bins can be a pain for everyone, not just the server programmer)[...]