New York City of Sound

New York-based sound artist Stephen Vitiello once rented a studio on the 91st floor of the World Trade Center. For his project World Trade Center Recordings: Winds After Hurricane Floyd, he taped contact mics to the studio windows, "picking up the sounds outside of passing planes, helicopters, storm clouds and traffic, the building itself swaying in the wind."
You can listen to a short NPR piece about the project (and find other sounds here); and Vitiello was recently interviewed in Artkrush, if you want a bit more information. [....]

I read once about seismic recordings taken by Columbia University during the World Trade Center attacks of September 11th - the bedrock of Manhattan was rumbling as the two towers collapsed, and this showed up on Columbia's seismometers. These recordings were then transformed into audio files, and you could listen to the wounded, melancholic howl of Manhattan as its two tallest buildings fell to the ground. (A vaguely related story, of course, is William Basinski).

(For more on urban soundscapes see Orchestra of Bridges, London Instrument, Sound Dunes, and - an old favorite - musicalized weather events).