Call for applications: Festival Break 2.4

The purpose of the multimedia festival Break is to explore new artistic expressions and contemporary topics and to emphasize emerging poetics whose artistic discourse has not yet been deep-rooted within firmly established standards, criteria and cultural values.

The ninth edition of the festival, Break 2.4, will take place in Ljubljana from the 5th to the 18th of November 2007.

We are currently seeking art projects, from established, mid-career, and emerging artists, that address the theme selected for the festival: Potemkin village.

Definitions of the Potemkin village:

*Pretentiously showy or imposing facade intended to mask or divert attention from an embarrassing or shabby fact or condition

*Something that appears impressive but is ineffective and insubstantial

*Any hollow or false construction, physical or figurative, meant to hide an undesirable or potentially damaging situation

*Politically generated appearance that covers a less impressive underside

The application must include the completed application form, supporting material, and a project presentation (visual and/or text) on A4 sheet.

Deadline: February 1, 2007 (postmark)

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