Turbulence Commission:



Turbulence Commission: WhoWhatWhenAir by John Snavely :: WhoWhatWhenAir is an interactive, pneumatic sculpture that users can communicate with via a web-based interface. Each user makes a series of choices to determine the order in which the 16 hoses inflate and to what degree. Once the sequence is saved, the hoses or "muscles" perform it. Clicking on the "play" button brings the sculpture to life. It exhales deeply before moving on to the next sequence in the queue. Coordinated efforts between online users can produce unexpected choreographies. In physical space, interaction is proximate, learned, and social. On exhibit at Art Interactive, Cambridge, Massachusetts, until January 14, 2007; open weekends from 12-6 pm.

"WhoWhatWhenAir" is a 2006 commission of New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc., (aka Ether-Ore) for its Turbulence web site. It was made possible with funding from the LEF Foundation.

BIOGRAPHY: John Snavely is a Masters of Architecture Candidate in the Department of Architecture at MIT. He holds dual degrees in Computer Science and Sculpture from Dartmouth College.