

Reprojected - Mader/Stublic/Wiermann: A new site-specific light installation in Munich :: Until 31 March 2007.

Artificial light changes how we see cities, both in functional and, increasingly, in aesthetic terms. Its fascination for artists, designers and architects derives from the fundamental role played by light in human perception. Light can create spaces that exist independently of architectural constructions. Without light, images could not be generated, perceived or reproduced, in films, videos or anywhere else. The latest LED technology even permits images to be made from light. This approach has been adopted now in Munich by realizing the new OSRAM light platform SEVEN SCREENS which combines arts with cutting-edge technologies presented in the public space. In future, and up to twice a year, artists will be invited by OSRAM to develop works referring to the specific context.

Reprojected by Media artists Mader and Stublic, and architect Wiermann, based in Berlin / Karlsruhe, engages in a site-specific and medium-specific way with visual perception. The artists have created a virtual space around the seven light steles. Light apparently coming from elsewhere seems to strike the steles like a spotlight. For the viewer, real space and virtual space appear to co-exist, the two realms intersecting at the masts. Computer-generated figures appear in front of the light and are reproduced as silhouettes on the masts, before disappearing into the surrounding darkness.

Curator of the new OSRAM SEVEN SCREENS is art historian Christian Schoen, director of CIA.IS - Centre for Icelandic Art, Reykjavik, since 2005 and curator of the Icelandic contribution to the 2007 Venice Biennale. Schoen has headed the OSRAM GALLERY since 2001.


Holger Mader (born in Basel in 1970 and based in Berlin), Alexander Stublic (born in Saarbrucken in 1967 and based in Karlsruhe [ZKM] and Berlin) and Heike Wiermann (born in Leipzig in 1971 and based in Berlin) have acquired a national and international reputation for their dynamic multimedia installations involving light. Their best-known projects include a recent piece at the Uniqa Towers in Vienna and the video installation CUBE, currently showing at the new Museum Ritter in Waldenbuch.

Press contact
Goldmann PR, Daniela Goldmann
Bruderstrasse 5, 80538 Munich, Germany
phone +49(0)89-2111-6413, e-mail: info[at]