DANCE MOViES Commission Launched by EMPAC
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EMPAC - the Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute – announces the launch of the EMPAC DANCE MOViES Commission, a new commissioning program to support the creation of new works in the field of experimental dance for the screen.

Through the DANCE MOViES Commission, EMPAC is specifically targeting artists based in North America and South America to encourage the development of the genre of dance film and video. The DANCE MOViES Commission will fund several projects per year with awards in the range of $8,000 - $50,000.

The deadline to submit artist proposals is February 1, 2007, with applications available on the EMPAC website:


What are DANCE MOViES?

The works shown in the DANCE MOViES series and supported by the DANCE MOViES Commission are experimental works for the screen which vary widely in content and form, yet are united by the fact that the image on the screen was crafted by, or in collaboration with, a choreographer or movement-based artist.

The works span a large range, include film, video, and other audio-visual formats, and tend to be from 2 minutes to 30 minutes in duration. Some of the works may be narrative-driven, using the conventions of filmic story-telling; some may be abstract works; some may not even feature “dance” as is generally defined, but contain a powerful sense of how movement unfurls in time; some may take advantage of tools such as computer processing, motion capture, simulation, animation, image processing, and post-production technologies; and some may extend the confines of the single screen to multiple screens or projections.

However the artists create or present their work, the defining characteristic of these works remains that they are audio-visual works made by dance artists, with all the richness and potential of that specific medium meeting the choreographic eye. EMPAC DANCE MOViES screenings and commissions do not include documentaries, feature-length films, works for stage performances, or commercial films that feature dance.



The EMPAC DANCE MOViES Commission will be conducted as a competitive open proposal process, where artists will be able to submit a project proposal. The initial proposals will be reviewed, and a small number of artists will be invited to submit a detailed proposal to an international panel. The panel will assess the quality and feasibility of the proposed project and will submit its recommendations to EMPAC. The commissions will be awarded by EMPAC after review. All selection decisions are final.

Upon awarding of the commission, the artist or collaborative team has one year to complete the project, at which point it will be premiered at EMPAC, and shown at dance film festivals around the world, credited as an EMPAC DANCE MOViES Commission.

Selection Panel:

Magne Antonsen (Norway)
Filmmaker, Director, Ultima Film Dance for Camera Festival, Oslo, Norway
Gaelen Hanson (USA)
Choreographer/filmmaker Director, New Dance Cinema, Seattle, USA
Bob Lockyer (UK)
Chair, Board, South East Dance, Brighton, UK
Silvina Szperling (Argentina)
Choreographer/filmmaker, Director, Videodanza, BA Festival, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Johannes Goebel (USA), EMPAC Director
Hélène Lesterlin (USA), EMPAC Dance Curator



Further questions?

Contact: Helene Lesterlin, EMPAC Dance Curator
Phone: 518.276.3918