The Bruce Springsteen Born to Run Glockenspiel Addendum (mp3s)

I have recently completed a new composition titled The Bruce Springsteen "Born to Run" Glockenspiel Addendum. For those not in the know, Bruce's Born to Run record is littered with glockenspiel. For example, the famous melody from the song Born to Run is actually a guitar DOUBLED by a glockenspiel. Yes, I know what you are thinking,...awesome, awesome, & awesome. The Born to Run record itself contains 3 songs that feature the glockenspiel, ... For this project, I decided to create an addendum to the original and compose, play, and record glockenspiel parts for the songs on Born to Run that do not already feature the instrument (Tenth Avenue Freeze Out, Backstreets, She's the One, Meeting Across the River and Jungleland).