atc @ ucb: fall 06 - spring 07 program

Although Grigori Perelman has apparently resolved Poincare's Conjecture, many other conjectures remain open. Help us evaluate wild hunches and unexpected perspectives during our Tenth Anniversary Season:

The Art, Technology, and Culture Colloquium of Berkeley's Center for New Media

Fall 2006 - Spring 2007 Monday Evenings, 7:30-9:00pm, 160 Kroeber Hall, UC Berkeley =============================================================

2006 Sep 11 Making Faces: Theatrical Materiality and Technological Embodiment Pamela Z, Performance Artist, SF

Sep 25 Mediatic Performance: New Technologies for Old Theater Marianne Weems, Director, The Builders Association, NY

Oct 16 Recent Experiments in Modern Composition, Software, and Stand-Up Comedy Cory Arcangel, Artist, NYC (*)

Oct 30 Extraterrestrial Aesthetics, Divine Genetics, and Other Thought Experiments Jonathon Keats, Artist, SF

Nov 13 Stop Making Sense: Contextualizing Media Art Rudolf Frieling, Media Arts Curator, SFMOMA

2007 Jan 22 ANALOG Pierre Huyghe, Artist, Paris (**)

Feb 12 The Re-Dematerialization of the Art Object Matmos, Musicians and Sound Artists, SF

Mar 12 The Twilight of Posterity Kaja Silverman, Rhetoric and Film Studies, UC Berkeley

Apr 23 Can You Say...2007 ? Doug Aitken, Artist, LA

ATC Director: Ken Goldberg ATC Assoc. Director: Greg Niemeyer ATC Grad. Associate: Irene Chien Curated with: ATC Advisory Board

Sponsored by: * Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost * Center for New Media (CNM) * Intel Research Labs * Berkeley Art Museum / Pacific Film Archive * Townsend Center for the Humanities * Center for Information Technology in the Interest of Society (CITRIS) * College of Engineering, Interdisciplinary Studies Program * Consortium for the Arts

(*) in conjunction with Dept of Art Practice "Interventions" Lecture Series (**) co-sponsored by California College of Arts, SF (Talk location TBA)

For updated information, please see: Contact:, or phone: (510) 643-9565