artists and the technology race
As a fine artist using video to integrate with my more traditional work, I have made special efforts to make 'digital hand-mades' because of my interest in multiple mediums succumbing to narrative processes. It is in response to this rush that seems to be on where media art becomes all about the newest technology being used in the work. I have spoken to other artists and read articles where in talking about their work, the first point becomes which technology was used and the ideas seem to be re-processed. I find it interesting that there is such a rush to use this new technology but the ideas seem to be reprocessed from  a handful of essays by theorists and pioneering work of earlier media artists. It would be interesting for me to see work where the purpose was not to convert innovative technology for uses in art processes but to see work where the technology became absorbed by the process. There begins to be a point where you start to wonder what more is there to a work other than for e.g. using the newest cellular technology and re-stating the idea that technology is re-shaping our language culture and social stucture. It often feels like alot of work is about proving that new technologies can be used to make art.