
Tools, Techniques and Events 1996-2006

THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF IRATIONAL.ORG: Tools, Techniques and Events 1996-2006 :: Daniel G. Andujar (Valencia/E), Rachel Baker (London/GB), Kayle Brandon (Bristol/GB), Heath Bunting (Bristol/GB), Minerva Cuevas (Mexico City/MEX), Marcus Valentine (Bristol/GB) ::

Have you ever taken part in International Tree Climbing Day? Did you know that there is a genetically modified "superweed" resistant to current herbicides such as Roundup? How would you react to the statement "Remember, language is not free?" Have you ever heard of "Public Sculpture Climbing" or the "Tour de Fence"? All of these are projects that have taken form around the server in recent years.

On August 27, 2006, the Hartware MedienKunstVerein in the PHOENIX Halle Dortmund is opening a unique exhibition project called "The Wonderful World of Techniques, Tools, and Events 1996 - 2006". The show will run from August 30 to October 29, 2006.

The Hartware MedienKunstVerein, which - like irational - is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year, has received significant funding through the Federal Cultural Foundation of Germany (Kulturstiftung des Bundes).

Inke Arns, Jacob Lillemose

A comprehensive accompanying program can be found at

Exhibition curated by Inke Arns, Jacob Lillemose
irational Action Weekend curated by Francis Hunger
Managing director: Susanne Ackers
Exhibition architecture and technical director: Uwe Gorski
Organisation, coordination: Francis Hunger, Darija Simunovic
PR: Roland Kentrup, Dortmund

A catalogue will be published at the end of October 2006: Susanne Ackers / Inke Arns / Francis Hunger / Jacob Lillemose (eds.) The Hartware Guide to Revolver - Archiv fuer aktuelle Kunst, Frankfurt
am Main 2006, ISBN 3-86588-299-4

Funded by:
Kulturstiftung des Bundes
Der Ministerpraesident des Landes NRW
Kulturbuero Stadt Dortmund

Media partner: Heinz

Venue: Hartware MedienKunstVerein (HMKV) at PHOENIX Halle Dortmund Hochofenstrasse / corner Rombergstrasse Dortmund-H�¶rde (no postal address!)

Opening hours PHOENIX Halle
During the exhibitions of HMKV:
Wed 11:00 - 17:00, Thu until Sun 11:00 - 20:00
Tuesday, October 3, 2006, open 11:00 - 20:00

Admission: 4 Euro / reduced 2 Euro

Guided tours: Each Sunday at 16:00 ::Individual tours on request (Tel ++49 - 231 - 823 106)

How to get there by car: B 54 exit Rombergpark, Nortkirchenstra��e
direction of H�¶rde, left into Entenpoth (speed 30 zone), then left into Hochofenstrasse

How to get there by subway: U41 direction H�¶rde until Dortmund-H�¶rde Bahnhof, 10 min. ride from Dortmund main railway station, then a 10 min. walk


HMKV Team: Dr. Inke Arns (Artistic director Hartware MedienKunstVerein) Susanne Ackers (Managing director Hartware MedienKunstVerein) Uwe Gorski (Technical director) Francis Hunger (Junior Curator) Darija Simunovic (Project coordinator and management)