Rhizome 10th Anniversary Festival

Marisa Olson:

It is with tremendous excitement that Rhizome launches our Tenth Anniversary Festival of Art & Technology, this week. We've developed a seven-month season of diverse programs, in partnership with some fantastic organizations committed to supporting new media art.

You can check out the Festival, here: http://www.rhizome.org/events/tenyear/

Though this Festival is really about looking ahead, this is a good moment to reflect and say thanks. We're proud of what Rhizome's done and become, in the last ten years. The organization has grown from a mailing list to an active membership organization serving a wide audience with multiple programs. We have our community, especially our members, to thank for this.

Speaking of community, we also want to encourage you to participate in Keylines, the Festival's collaborative writing project in which seed posts on the topics of new media histories & genres, feminism, the environment, politics, communities, and innovation have already been planted. We hope you'll help these lines of discussion grow...

Other Festival highlights include Time Shares, a series of online exhibitions co-presented with the New Museum of Contemporary Art to emphasize our ongoing commitment to internet-based art, and a number of offline exhibitions, performances, panel discussions, book launches, and more.

A big thank-you to all the artists, writers, venues, and sponsors who've leant their support to the Festival.

We'll be sending out individual announcements about programs as they come up on the calendar.

With thanks,
The Rhizome Team

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Marisa Olson
Editor & Curator
Rhizome.org at the
New Museum of Contemporary Art