Tenure Track Position in New Genres/Video/Sound at Brown

Mark Tribe:

Please post or forward to interested parties

Announcement of New Genres/Video/Sound


Position: Brown University Department of Visual Art seeks dynamic and energetic artist to teach New Genre at the undergraduate level.

Requirements: Applicants will have earned a MFA, have 3 years full time equivalent teaching experience at the college level beyond graduate school, and must be able to teach Video, Sound, and New Genre (which can include projection and sound installations, robotics, interactivity, digital animation, or combinations of these). This candidate should be able to teach a Digital Foundations course.

Qualified candidates must be well versed in contemporary video/sound/ New Genre practice and supportive applications. A strong exhibition/screening record and knowledge of contemporary theory and practice is essential. An interest in developing interdisciplinary courses with the Modern Culture and Media and Music Departments is a strong plus.

Starting Date: Appointment to begin July 1, 2007.


Procedure: Applicants should send paper copies of CV, letter of application, CD/DVD (formatted for Mac) and/or website, a portfolio of 10- 20 slides with slide list if applicable, artist statement, teaching philosophy and 3 letters of recommendation, and SASE to:

Chair, New Genres Search
Box 1861
Visual Art Department
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912

Salary: Competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Deadline: To receive full consideration complete applications must be postmarked by: November 15, 2006.