Lollipop as user-interface

Regine completed my yesterday’s post about tongue-based interactions with this right-on-the-spot innovation: lollipop as a user interface (by Lance Nishihira and Bill Scott):

Participants suck on lollipops embedded with sensors to control robotic babies in a race. (…) Sensors transmitted each sloppy stroke to a laptop that was controlling the movements of several robotic toys. “I’m trying to think which one of our properties can be driven by a lollipop,'’ joked Scott, a member of Yahoo’s platform design group. “Maybe Yahoo Games.'’ The “Edible Interface'’ was one of 10 prototypes featured at Yahoo’s University Design Expo, an annual event that explores how humans interact with technology

(picture by Gary Reyes / Mercury News)

Why do I blog this?a curious interface; what happen when the interface is more “invasive” than just a joypad? Would I like to control cell-phones games or billboard through this sort if interface…