Zach Lieberman and Golan Levin at NTT ICC


Golan Levin and Zachary Lieberman are taking over Japan. As part of the Kids Program exhibition at the NTT InterCommunication Center, they have a range of collaborative and individual projects on show from 2000-2006.

[from interview mp3 ]
“These collaborative projects came about through their common interest in gesture and audio visual performance. They have been working together since 2002 under the name tmema (which means little pieces). Each project is made up of many small ideas to make a larger project. The installations Remark and Hidden worlds (from 2002) we based upon the idea of visualizing the voice, if you could see the voice, what would it look like? This led on to Messa di Voce, a performance work. Their work tends to operate in both domains of installation and performance. The works are accessible to children and adults, are universal, playful and expresive. Have fun and learn things. They like to see people experience shock and wonder, not to be afraid, nothing will break. They wish they had these kinds of exhibitions when they were young. Golan was very much more interested in interactive works in the childrens exhibitions, rather than static artworks, so hopes they can give the next generation an idea about the future”.

Now this is a kids exhibition I’d cetainly like to see.

Works on show:
Audiovisual Environment Suite
The Audiovisual Environment Suite.

Gesture Machines
Gesture Machines.

Messa di Voce
Messa di Voce Installation.

The Manual Input Sessions
The Manual Input Sessions, seen for the first time as an installation.


Drawn installation
Drawn installation.

Click here for a photo of the whole space (thanks Zach).