second call for papers

You might have already heard of, or even already be a contributor to, the VJ Theory project. If you haven't then the project falls into two areas: samples of work from the forthcoming book and the project/community which lives at:

This project intends to develop a community actively discussing and reflecting on philosophy and theory related with Vjing and realtime interaction.

It is apparent, during workshops and discussions at Festivals and symposia, that practitioners of both VJing and Interactive Installations will quickly move on from problems with the practicalities of production to more complex ideas of how and why the process has, for example, significance for the viewer.

There is a lack of written texts on the philosophies and theories related with VJing and realtime interaction.

This project and the associated book, aim to bring together work by some of the foremost practitioners and academics in the field.

We aim to produce a body of work which, for the first time, will address these theoretical issues and place the practices of VJing and Interactive Installation, into a useful context.

Although we have received an excellent response in contributions for the book, there are also areas that, we as editors, feel need to be developed more. Areas we still need material: Politics (activism, guerrilla, community focused realtime interaction and performance) Intellectual property DIY culture Realtime interaction and performance as developing tools (pd/GEM/Arduino or MAX/MSP/Jitter as used in performance programming for example) Body If you know of any text which address these areas in relation to realtime interaction (either published or not) then please let us know.

We also welcome other contributions you might have to the content of the web site We are accepting full texts, between 3000 and 5000 words. Deadline for submissions: 31st August