Jordi Colomer

In the Anarchitekton hotographs, Barcelona-based artist Jordi Colomer shows characters carrying cardboard architecture models, exact replicas of the buildings, in front of which they are moving around. I particularly like the on in Barcelona, This way he simultaneously denounces the reality of these constructions and celebrates the utopia that they once upheld.

Jordi Colomer, Anarchitekton Brasilia, 2004

More images in artnet.

Colomer, together with Francis Alÿs, Pedro Cabrita Reis, Marcelo Cidade, and Anita Molinero, is part of Modern©ité , an exhibition that presents poetic and critical views of the modern urban environment. Focal point is the issue on how the ideological foundation of modernist architecture and city planning can be reconciled with the elusive character of a constantly changing society.