Upgrade Lisbon #04


May meeting featuring André Gonçalves

Lisboa 20 Arte Contemporânea welcomes next Wednesday, May 3rd @19:30, The Upgrade! Lisbon monthly gathering featuring André Gonçalves who will present his project Resonant Objects.

Resonant Objects was awarded with the Portuguese 'Ernesto de Sousa Fellowship, for experimental intermedia art and was presented at Phill Niblock's Experimental Intermedia Foundation in New York in late March 2005.
It started with the idea of creating micro-environments, computer controlled hermetic spaces where it is the artist's intention to explore several physical phenomenons related with the hearing, exploring them from the point of view of their sonority but also leaving space for an user or an observer to interact with the process. This particular project aims at bringing together sound and space through a physical phenomenon, where sound is used as a medium to excite space to be heard, sound generating more sound through space. The sound we get to hear is strictly related to the object's spatial characteristics, it's shape, dimensions and material but also it's relation with the site-specific architecture and again the spatial characteristics of the precise space that hosts all the objects.

André Gonçalves lives in Lisbon, Portugal. Since 2000 he has integrated and created several projects with diferent sound approaches namely 'ok.suitcase', 'etch', 'stapletape', 'ltthwhasp', 'iodo' and 'gigantiq'. Recently, Gonçalves also created audio-light installations like 'pRe-production', '8 steps', 'quiet not safe' and 'fake environment'. In 2004 he was granted with the 'Ernesto de Sousa Fellowship' for experimental intermedia art. Self-educated programmer, Gonçalves has been developing several audio-video applications in max-msp, flash, java and processing presented in multimedia showcases, online galleries or magazines, in performances and, most of all, in his day work for developing all his graphic, video and sound works.
His discography includes releases on the labels Grain of Sound and Crónica Electrónica (pt), Stasisfield (usa), Efervescence (fr), Cherry Music (jp) and Antmanuv (can).

Upgrade! is an international, emerging network of autonomous nodes united by art and technology. Its decentralized, non-hierarchical structure ensures that each Upgrade! node (i) operates according to local interests and their available resources; and (ii) reflects current creative engagement with cutting edge technologies. While individual nodes present new media projects, engage in informal critique, and foster dialogue and collaboration between individual artists, Upgrade! International functions as an online, global network that gathers annually in different cities to meet one another, showcase local art, and work on the agenda for the following year. Upgrade! Lisbon is curated by Luís Silva

For more information or project submission, please go to http://www.lisboa20.pt/upgrade or http://www.theupgrade.net/