
:) *Smile, you are in bahia* :)

Upgrade! is an international, emerging network of autonomous nodes united by art, technology, and a commitment to bridging cultural divides. Its decentralized, non-hierarchical structure ensures that Upgrade! (i) operates according to local interests and their available resources; and (ii) reflects current creative engagement with cutting edge technologies. While individual nodes present new media projects, engage in informal critique, and foster dialogue and collaboration between individual artists, Upgrade! International functions as an online, global network that gathers annually in different cities to meet one another, showcase local art, and work on the agenda for the following year.

On the first brazilian version, Upgrade! Salvador creativity invested on movement's propositions. A city's perception and the artistic movements that uses it as a stage for their performances, presenting these movements to the classic medium, the common citizen. [and let the art presents it my -his/her- self spaces!], creating new possibilities of expansion of each localized action. Upgrade! re-cognize-knowledge to artistic re-existence.

MAY 01: WORKER'S DAY - Get you arse down there and work! WHEN, WHERE 9h00 @ the bus stop on largo da vitoria

Upgrade! Salvador: a GATHERing to celebrate the di ver see ty of the meeting -
artistic experiences of social intervention and the recognition of actions. [....]