Hidden Love Song

Hidden Love Song, by Arlete Castelo and Melissa Mongiat (who had previously created Gamelan Playtime) is an 18m long silver rub-off fresque. As passers-by scratch it, they uncover musical and visual love messages hidden through a world inspired by Mark-Anthony Turnage's concerto Hidden Love Song.


The sound collage is made of scratching noises, extracts of Turnage's musical piece and children voice speaking of their impression of the theme. People can create their own piece as they play with the installation.

Second installation for the Royal Festival Hall Education Centre "Keeping in touch" project. London.

Londoners could play with the installation in January but the Royal Festival Hall is to propose a new interactive piece from 18 April to 25 May: 16 Frames are giant flip books and zeotropes that are animated as you pass by them.

Via del.icio.us/foe.

Originally from we make money not art, ReBlogged by sonia zjawinski on Apr 18, 2006 at 10:34 AM