Digital lamp shades

One of the few shows i couldn't miss during the Salone del Mobile in Milan was the Ingo Maurer one which this year "introduced new talents": Random International.

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I won't insits much on Maurer's work (unless you ask me to.) Il Corriere della Sera has a video of the opening and i took some pictures of Ingo Maurer work.

Back to Flo Ortkrass, Stuart Wood and Hannes Koch (the Random International team) who were showing two version of Pixelshade (LightRigs), one is suspended from the ceiling, the other is on a stand.

These stationery versions of the Pixelroller are large 360 degree screens that forever renew themselves and can temporarily "print out" any kind of digital information on the large phosphorescent surface, when you're bored with the patterns, just draw new ones. Patterns can be any image from your holiday in greece to elaborate William Morris prints. Will be available as bespoke pieces in the January 2007.

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Pendant lights (image on the rigt) use gravity and magnetism to slowly draw every increasingly complex, organic and erratic shapes on phosphorescent tables. The pendant lights are in development as piece of furniture and will be available in the beginning of 2007.

Re-luct has a short video of Random International's pixel roller in action in Milan. Enjoy my super lame images of Random International at the Salone, Mike did much better.