transmedia practice is a crucible for independent, interdisciplinary practice ranging from installation and performance, through documentary, dance, and gastronomy, to sound and video composition and real-time manipulation. We continue to develop social and technical infrastructure and promote network architectures that facilitate alternatives to current socio-political and economic formations. Techniques and effects of live data broadcasting and transmission provide theme, medium, and performative space for many of the works. describe networked performances as linking geographically distant real spaces with networking technologies such as live streaming. Themes and narratives grow out of telematic feedback, and the interplay between real spaces and imaginary realms. ambientTV.NET's networked performances span the range from dance-theatre to poetry-gastronomy.

avdinners.jpgAV DINNERS 1: EPIC EROSM is a live and online audio-visual gastronomic event. The first in a series of sensory networked cook-ins featuring collaborations between digital and performance artists and chefs.

myriorama.jpgTELEJAM: MYRIORAMA is a telematic dance performance using GPS and sensor systems in collaboration with kondition pluriel. Texts written by roaming performers are tagged with location data and projected into a surround-audiovisual environment.

tryptichon.giftryptichon is a dance / sound / video performance within a live locative media environment.See