The Second First Person

Pat Harrigan and Noah Wardrip-Fruin's Second Person: Role-Playing and Story in Games and Playable Media is due out in November 2006, but a preview of the table of contents is now available.

The anthology will feature two works by WRT authors: "Enlightening Interactive Fiction: Andrew Plotkin's Shade," by Jeremy Douglass, and "12 Easy Lessons to Better Time Travel," by Mark Marino. Jeremy's article is a close reading that uses Critical Code Studies techniques, Mark's piece is a hypermedia tale which will be published in Bunk Magazine in the upcoming month.

Second Person is the follow up to Wardrip-Fruin and Harrigan's acclaimed First Person, which is now out in paperback. The anthology will be divided into three sections: I. Tabletop Systems, II. Computational Fictions, and III. Real Worlds.

Check out the full contents, as many pieces will probably be of interest to WRT readers: chatbot pieces by Adrianne Wortzel and Robert Zubek, IF pieces by Emily Short, Nick Montfort, and Steve Meretzky, Michael Mateas and Andrew Stern on Façade, Chris Crawford on Deikto, Jane McGonigal on ARGs, Will Hindmarch, Kevin Wilson, D. Fox Harrell and much more.