Video mash-ups at Canadian art fest

Toronto Star: Dice and splice artists step up to throw-down.

While terms like remix and mash-up are more readily used to describe the sampling and cut-and-paste movement in the audio world, video artists are increasingly slicing, dicing and reconstituting to create something new.

Today's Videodrome 2 event at the Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art further busts open the frame. Four groups will perform a live throw-down of their audio-visual art, a real-time twist on the typically taped displays.

"The concept is a video battle, which is like the traditional deejay battle or emcee battle, with people who make video and audio at the same time. It's four crews squaring off against each other in a tournament and basically they're trying to outdo each other by showing a better video," says Jubal Brown, one of the five members of Toronto contingent Famefame, and an organizer of the event.
