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Involvement and Participation

"At this year's Ars Electronica/Linz the exhibition Tana-Bana was the huge surprise. It showed media art works created by students of the Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology in Bangalore, India. "Tana-Bana" can be translated literally as "warp and weft" and is meant to evoke the ideal of the "integration of communities or societies". Its maybe most impressive work was "Russell TV", which was shown in the exhibition as an audiovisual documentary. It was a temporary TV station created especially for the huge downtown Russell Market. Viewers were involved in the production from the beginning. The TV-station was distributed within the huge market by cable, and by screens at the venue's entrance and in shopkeepers' stalls, it could be watched by the passers-by and the clients. "Tana-Bana" was curated by Geetha Narayanan, who is one of the founders and the director of Shrishti." From Involvement and Participation: Geetha Narayanan in Conversation with Sabine Breitsameter.