disturb.the.peace "angry women" - open call
Jess Loseby:
disturb.the.peace "angry women" - open call

"Whoa! Why does this word carry so much weight, and why do these women want to distance themselves so far from this word?" Once I had received a similar response from three other women, as though anger was un-cool, or un-sexy, I started thinking of the "Angry Young Men" of the fifties and sixties-the amorphous James Dean types whose anger was sexy, because anger is one of the sanctioned responses that men have, and women don't. No man would protest being featured in a book called Angry Young Men, do you think?

[Interview with Andrea Juno, Ed of "angry women" (Juno Books, 1992)]

Disturb.the.Peace [angry woman] will be aimed at creating a collaborative net-based installation with the core concept of the visual portrait of feminine anger. The net offers a canvas for self-portraiture and self-documentary, which both men and woman users and artists have used to explore the many eclectic thematics that make up contemporary net.art. However, anger - that non P.C, emotional serpent - still remains visually elusive. Emails are full of bile, blogs map outpourings of rage and disgust, newsgroups simmer over with adversary and cutting one-liners but not, apparently, visual artworks...? Can anger be beautiful? Can rage be aesthetic? In popular culture there are a range of angry babes to pick: from girl-power to the Powerpuff girls but

"...their popularity may not reflect a dramatic shift in our society's view of gender roles, but rather our inability to stomach female anger unless it's sugar-coated in cuteness and scored with a pervasively chirpy, non-threatening tone."

[Powerpuff Girls to the Rescue: Heather Havrilesky, Salon. Posted July 5, 2002]


D/tP is a call to women artists to visually explore the face of [their] anger. It will make no apologies for being a call predominantly for female work. Male submissions will not be excluded from open submissions but must demonstrate that they are either a) in collaboration with a female or b) make significant comment or exploration on a visual expression of female anger beyond (what Jess Loseby) judges to be a stereotypical portrayal. It will be possible to submit work anonymously or through androgynous pseudonyms. Beyond gender, all work submitted must meet the basic requirements of thematic response and net usability to be included.


D/TP is a collaborative artwork. It is curated by Jess Loseby as lead artist only through organisation and realisation of the concept in the provistion of webspace. Artists are invited to add pages and use the site/space as much or as little as they desire. Work will be open for free submission. There will almost no curatorial control but preference is to show work that not only visually explores anger but how that anger is amplified and augmented by the Internet and net technology/software; Can anger be interactive? Can anger be translocal? It is hoped that work that will go beyond static imagery.

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html, flash, streaming video - cross browser compatible - collaborating artists choice


Please send work as a email attachment (under 3MB) or work URL with name, location, url, email address and bio (150wds or under) to jess@d-t-p.tv or jess@rssgallery.com. FTP details may be provided on request. All work will be shown as "windows" within the overall site design unless specified. If work is hosted on a url external to d-t-p.tv please provide a "close window" button.

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