Generator.x Conference day 1 - summary

Day 1 of the Generator.x conference went without a hitch, featuring a good presentation of theoretical perspectives on generative art. Susanne Jaschko spoke of the experience of the sublime in art, often described as the feeling of being overwhelmed the infinity of space. In this connection, she juxtaposed Goya’s The Colossus with Casey Reas’ MicroImage and spoke about how they both contain a sense of the sublime. She also tried to place generative art in the context of retinal or non-retinal conceptions of art. Erich Berger spoke about the theories behind his performance work, taking his work Tempest as a starting point. As a software-based performer he feels that he is surfing the space of possibilities inherent in the algorithms he uses.

After lunch, the session of shorter presentations had the Spoon collective from Prague struggling to explain their idea of “humanizing