Call for participation: Share roundtable discussion @Polytechnic Univ
Dear artists, designers, engineers, technicians and technologists,

You are invited, in person or via audio/video/text conference, to a
roundtable discussion of artistic and technological communities hosted
by the Integrated Digital Media Institute of Polytechnic University.

## Topics will include:
- Interactivity in digital media art
- Communities of digital media artists
- Tool development in artistic and technological communities

As it's an example familiar to many, we will use the Share community
( as a starting point for discussion, which should
last about 3 hours. Bring energy bars/drinks if you fear you might

## you will be observed...

This roundtable idea was set into motion by Michael Liegl, a
sociologist from Ludwig-Maximilian Universität, Germany, who has been
studying the experimental music and VJ scene for quite some time now.
Michael will present slides and video footage from Share to get us

If you'd like to participate remotely, please contact to work out the technical details. For more on
the topics we will discuss (and to add your own suggestions to the
mix), consult the wiki at .

Sat. September 17th, 2 pm
at the IDMI Lab
Polytechnic University
Brooklyn Campus
6 Metro Tech Center
RH 207