The Art Formerly Known As New Media
The Art Formerly Known As New Media

An exhibition to mark the 10th anniversary of the Banff New Media Institute
Curated by Sarah Cook and Steve Dietz
Walter Phillips Gallery, The Banff Centre
September 17 - October 23 2005

Shu Lea Cheang, Francesca da Rimini, Sara Diamond, Garnet Hertz,, Michael Naimark, Greg Niemeyer, r a d i o q u a l i a, Catherine Richards, Marek Walczak and Martin Wattenberg, Maciej Wisniewski

September 17 1 pm (in JPL 204): Artists' Talks - Garnet Hertz and Greg Niemeyer followed by performances of the works of Greg Niemeyer and Catherine Richards in the gallery

September 17 2 pm (in the gallery): Curators' Tour of the exhibition and Opening reception

Press Release and images available
Souvenir t-shirts available also!