Marco Mancuso:
///apologies for any cross posting///

Dear all,

I would like to introduce myself to the list. I'm Marco Mancuso, new media
art journalist, curator and critic. I live and work in Milan, Italy and I
would like to introduce you the cultural and editorial project DIGICULT
(http://www.digicult.it) that I founded at the beginning of 2005. It's the
first Italian web portal about electronic arts and digital culture and it's
deep involved in the pubblication of the first monthly e-magazine called
DIGIMAG (http://www.digicult.it/digimag) speaking about: netart, hacktivism,
software art, video art, electronica, audiovideo, artificial intelligence,
new media, performing art, interaction design. DIGICULT is also the first=
network of almost 30 people and 10 huge italian communities and projects
collaborating to the magazine and the portal at large; some the best italian
journalists, curators, critics and professionists of the growing and
spreading new media culture in Italy. We would like to be the first
cultural-editorial activist network project in Italy, completely
indipendent, no dipending from any owner, writing and speaking and
discussing and reflecting freely about everything we consider important
today in the world of electronic culture and arts. From September you can
browse DIGICULT also in english at http://www.digicult.it/index_eng.htm