C5 Landscape Database API 1.0.3 release
Brett Stalbaum:

C5 Landscape Database API 1.0.3 release

C5 Landscape Database

An Open Source GIS API for Digital Elevation Model processing and performance
(c) C5 corporation 2002-2005, under the GNU Lesser Public License

As exhibited (1.0.3b) in Fair Assembly: Making Things Public, online project at the Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie (The Center for Art and Media Technology), Karlsruhe, Germany, Curator: Steve Deitz. http://makingthingspublic.zkm.de/fa/intro.do?lan=en

  • DEM packages
  • RDBMS packages for DEM data
  • Support for processing DEM data dynamically
  • Analytic table support for landscape searching
  • Simple GUI (demtool) for viewing DEMs
  • Support for data export and management


Overview of C5 Landscape Database API 1.0.3

The C5 Landscape Database API 1.0.3 began as a Digital Elevation Model browser and data export tool, (DEM Tool), written in java. Now a part of the C5 Landscape Database API packages, the C5 DEM Tool is still useful for browsing a collection DEM files via a simple graphical user interface. But since the original release of the Dem Tool utility and related classes in 2002, the library of related Java classes have grown and were significantly reorganized. The mission of the API also drifted as C5 theorized the relationships between landscape data and art practice and began implementing software mediated performances in the landscape, all of which led us to theorize more, rewrite the software, and perform yet more experiments in the landscape. Now merged with the capabilities of a number of C5 Perl modules (which were retired after being ported to java this year), the software has evolved into a robust platform for data mediated practice in the landscape, through much experimentation and performance during the course of developing the C5 Landscape Initiative Projects.

For more information on C5 Corporation http://www.c5corp.com/

Current Applications of the API:

The Other Path (2004 and ongoing) http://www.c5corp.com/projects/otherpath/index.shtml See also Deitz, Steve, *The Path More or Less Taken*, May 2005 http://www.yproductions.com/writing/archives/000707.html

The C5 GPS Media Player - a visual interface providing the ability to navigate and display the GPS tracks and their related media http://www.c5corp.com/projects/gpsmediaplayer/index.shtml

And various other projects... C5 hopes others will find these packages useful.

Written in Java, C5 Landscape Database runs on UNIX variants and Windows systems with Java 1.5 (Java 2), or any other system for which Java 2 is implemented.