And yes, another 1YPV update
Some of you may think that 1YPV was done about a year ago (it was released on 9/30/04).

You would be wrong.

Something is supposed to happen when the viewer reaches a year. Conceptually we know what happens: the viewer is transformed into a collector. What does this mean? It means they get to own a piece of the project in the form of 1 Year Performance Video Art Data.

When it was released we figured that we didn’t need to release it with this functionality since no one was going to reach it for at least a year. But now with the top viewers at 307 days and counting I’ve had to get busy and build the functionality.

This is how it will work:

When the viewer reaches a year, they become a collector and are be redirected to the Collectors Page and assigned a password (delivered to them via email). The collector then logs into a special section of the site where they can generate and download their 1YPV Art Data. Thereafter the collector is allowed to return and download the Art Data, but they are allowed to generate it only once.

Oh yeah, almost forgot, there is also a special online art work that only the collectors get to see (at first anyway, eventually we’ll make it public).
tech notes for the hardcore
As you approach the year mark, you want to make sure you’re running it in a browser via the official interface.

If you can’t log in and get your saved time, make sure that there is a ‘www’ before ‘’ in the location bar. Sometimes the site will drop the ‘www’ then another cookie is set. Basically you need to make sure that you either have a) cookies for both ‘www’ and without, or b) when you login, be certain the domains match from the login page to the viewing page.