What locative media can learn from archaeology
One thing at a time, here's the draft version of a paper Matt Ward and I recently wrote for a Leonardo Electronic Almanac special issue on locative media. Comments are welcome.

Locative Media as Socialising and Spatialising Practices: Learning from Archaeology (pdf)

Abstract. Pervasive computing and locative media are emerging as technologies and processes that promise to reconfigure our understandings and experiences of space and culture. With the critical hand of material and cultural studies, we start to shape questions about locative media representations of urban mobilities, and begin to unearth some of the struggles and tensions that exist within these fields of operation. By looking at archaeology’s constitutive processes of collection, ordering and display we highlight some of the problems found in mapping people and objects in space and time, and ask what kinds of social/spatial relations are made possible in particular locative media projects. Ultimately, we take archaeology’s critical focus on authorship and ownership, explain its relevance to locative media, and suggest questions to consider in the future research and design of locative media.