ISEA2006 :: Call for Participation :: Pacific Rim
Kristin O'Friel:

This is an invitation by the ISEA2006 Symposium and ZeroOne San Jose: A Global Festival of Art on the Edge to groups and individuals to submit proposals for exhibition of interactive art work and projects reflecting on the thematic of the Pacific Rim. This is the second and final call for artworks in this category.
Proposals Due: December 15th, 2005
Final Decisions: Feb 10, 2006


The political and economic space of the Pacific Rim represents a dynamic context for innovation and creativity. Convergent and divergent practices involving art, science, architecture and urban planning, engineering, industrial and interior design, communications, literature and performance are being manifested in new forms of cultural production and social experiences.

The complex relations and diversity of Pacific Rim nations is exemplified throughout the hybridized communities that comprise Silicon Valley including local indigenous peoples. As the 10th largest city in the United States, San Jose is an important portal on the eastern edge of the Pacific region, which shares deep historical and cultural connections that range from Latin America and the South Pacific to Southeast Asia and Asia. ISEA2006 and ZeroOne San Jose Festival are highlighting the Pacific Rim defined in the broadest possible sense to include not only those states and nations that border the Pacific Ocean but also the geo-political, economic, social and historical frameworks of which they are part.

We are seeking proposals that address, but are not limited to, art work that emphasize radical and alternative responses to contemporary cultural conditions throughout the Pacific Rim. We want to encourage proposals specifically from emerging artists. Of particular interest are projects that focus on engagements and interaction strategies with Diaspora communities and local context as well as work that enable new discourses, platforms and explorations.

Proposals may reflect works in the form of interactive installations, wearable computing, site works, DIY alternatives, networks and mobile systems, activist projects and public insertions. Proposals should therefore identify target audiences as much as is possible, although it is not necessary to specify a venue. Venues are distributed throughout the city and include galleries, exhibitions spaces and outdoor spaces and theaters. Proposals may consider the use of the City of San Jose's public resources (wireless network, transportation systems, etc.)

Note: There are separate calls for participation for artworks for each of the ISEA2006/ZeroOneFestival Themes: Transvergence, Pacific Rim, Interactive City and Community Domain. There will be a separate call for symposium papers related to the Pacific Rim (and other) themes.


The 2006 edition of the internationally renowned ISEA Symposium will be held August 5-13, 2006, in San Jose, California.

The Inter-Society for Electronic Arts (ISEA) is an international non-profit organization fostering interdisciplinary academic discourse and exchange among culturally diverse organizations and individuals working with art, science and emerging technologies. Prior host cities include Helsinki, Paris, Sydney, Montreal, Chicago, Manchester and Nagoya.

ZeroOne San Jose is a milestone festival to be held biennially making the work of the most innovative contemporary artists in the world accessible. In 2006 it will be held in conjunction with the ISEA2006 Symposium.


The CADRE Laboratory at San Jose State University will also host a 2 day pre-symposium, The Pacific Rim New Media Summit, on August 7th and 8th. The Summit is focused on issues influencing new media programs, educational and research centers, and cultural arts initiatives. The primary objective of the Summit is the networking of organizations with the intention of identifying and enabling future cross-cultural interaction. The summit is intended to explore and build interpretive “bridges