Everybody's A Critic!


via Eyebeam.org

Everybody's A Critic, Or Are They?
States of Criticism, Credibility and Celebrity

Thursday, November 3, 2005
7-9 pm

540 West 21st Street
New York, NY 10011
[T] 212.937.6580
[F] 212.937.6582

Join us for a participatory panel.

With 9 million blogs, umpteen online message boards, thousands of shows on hundreds of cable channels and an increased number of magazines on the newsstand, the number of outlets for expressing criticism has never been higher and the barriers to would-be critics
have never been lower. Is this devaluing evaluation or does the shotgun approach result in better criticism? Certainly everyone has an opinion but is everybody a critic?

Michael Atkinson, Village Voice Film Critic
Emily Gordon, Critic at the New Yorker, author, blogger
Jason Kottke, Blogger of kottke.org
Duncan Watts, Professor of Sociology, Columbia University
Moderator: Steven Heller, Design director NYT Book Review and author

Enjoy refreshments while we hear from various types of critics.

But don't just sit back and listen! Take part! Agree! Disagree!

YOU be the judge!!

This panel is free and open to the public with a suggested donation.