Piksel05 :: 'collective code' - artistic program

Piksel05 - festival for free / libre and open source audiovisual software and art kicks off this weekend in Bergen, Norway. The Piksel05 artistic program is curated by Isabelle Arvers and Gisle Frøysland as a collaboration with pixelACHE 2006[1] in Helsinki and Mal au Pixel 2006 in Paris. Some of the projects will be selected to be shown in Helsinki and/or Paris.

The program is now online at: www.piksel.no/piksel05


Piksel[2] is an annual event for artists and developers working with free/libre and open source audiovisual software. Part workshop, part festival, it is organised in Bergen, Norway, by the Bergen Centre for Electronic Arts (BEK)[3] and involves participants from more than a dozen countries exchanging ideas, coding, presenting art and software projects, doing workshops, performances and discussions on the aesthetics and politics of open source.


[1] http://www.pixelache.ac
[2] http://www.piksel.no
[3] http://www.bek.no

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