
Portuguese Platform For Debating Art And Technology

Virose is a Portuguese, artist run platform dedicated to debating the relation between art and technology in contemporary societies. It was created in 1997 and since then has spread its reach. Nowadays it features an architecture department called arch.virose and publishes regularly vector, an open to participation e-zine that includes both theoretical and critical texts as well as new media art projects specifically made for Virose.

Another goal of this platform is to share its own resources and, for that, has room in its server for artists having difficulties in putting their work online. Two hosting departments are available: a permanent one, hanta, and hospedaria, for temporary hosting.

Virose is also responsible for arena, a discussion list about art and technology, and infovir, a mailing list informing its subscribers of Virose's own activities, news and projects.

Virose Organization
Porto, Portugal