Tracking followup
Software: MadTracker

Software: MadTracker

Software: ModPlugTracker

ems that tracking is a topic of interest. Marisa Olson reblogged the previous G.X post on tracking on Rhizome, and now Tom Moody has posted a followup. Tom had posted on the tracker phenomena and its historical relevance in two posts earlier this year (see post #1 and post #2), with questions about the origin of the scene. Most people might find a discussion on whether tracking was pre-, post- or proto-jungle a bit obscure, but as an examination of different tools and methods for producing music it’s pretty interesting.

For those of you who prefer action to theory, here are two more trackers: MadTracker and ModPlugTracker. Both are Windows-based, but ModPlugTracker is Open Source. And if you should want to make your sound deteriorate as though it had been recorded on warped vinyl and played a thousand times, check out the “ultimate lo-fi weapon