The sitting computer game

NEXT rocks. I heard two mind-blowing talks this afternoon [....] and the exhibtion is awesome. If you´re in Copenhagen, hurry up cuz tomorrow is the last day. [....]

I met the hilarious Falk Grieffenhagen and Thomas Stöckl from Sinua this afternoon.


Their midi-sofa allows you to interact with the game on the screen in front of you.

You control the movement of your avatar by changing the seating position on the sofa, bouncing on it or pressing harder the back of the furniture. The more physical action used the faster the ball gets. Both, the "strategy of power" and the "strategy of minimal movement" lead to success.

They also showed me a video of their musical performace on the Sensitive Carpet (it´s online, don´t miss it, you´re in for a good laugh)


When a person walks on this carpet switches are triggered everywhere a foot touches the ground. In total there are 48 switches integrated into the carpet. The information collected is digitised and fed into a computer which turns impulses into sound.