All systems Crystallize!

It’s that time again for a Crystalpunk Workshop for Soft Architecture, and what a fine weekend it looks set to be in that disused office building in Utrecht. On Friday EZCT give a workshop on ‘genetic algorithms as a tactic for meandering through the possibility space of architectonic forms’. Saturday brings in the Arch-OS crew who will undoubtedly talk about their ‘Operating System’ for contemporary architecture which has been developed to provide artists and technologists with an environment for developing transdisciplinary work. Sunday looks like be a really exciting day with no fewer than 6 presentations - There’s Tom Carden, whose recent Openstreetmap poster has been a massive hit. OpenStreetMap put together all the GPS data it has in London (mainly via eCourier) and made a beautiful poster from it. Theres also a presentation by Christina Ray, co-founder of Glowlab and special agent in the proliferation of psycogeographic events in New York, notably the PsyGeo Con Flux conventions. Franziska Huebler and Jeremy Abbot, who I had the good fortune to meet two weeks ago at Crystalpunk, run TruthDareDoubleDare, a design studio working on physical computing projects. Other presentations come from the Hyperbody Research Group, Orkan Telhan and the anarchic C6 whose recent exhibition was a sell-out!