Wireless Media call for entry San Francisco International Film Festival

Marisa Olson:

From: Sean Uyehara

Wireless Media Call for Entries

This is an invitation to submit work to the San Francisco Film Society for consideration to be included in the 49th San Francisco International Film Festival taking place April 20 ­ May 4, 2006. In specific, this call is for a program that will focus on a series of visual works made by and/or for wireless media devices and signals. Roughly this breaks down into three categories:

1. Works made by mobile devices
2. Works made to be specifically viewed on mobile devices.
3. Works that use wireless signals a new aesthetic medium.

Submissions due: January 3, 2006
Final Decisions: February 17, 2006

URL ­ http://www.sffs.org/festival/wireless06.html
