FOLLOW THROUGH by Jennifer Crowe and Scott Paterson, Whitney Museum

Christiane Paul:

by Jennifer Crowe and Scott Paterson
December 1, 2005-January 29, 2006
Whitney Museum of American Art
945 Madison Ave.
5th fl.

Artists Jennifer Crowe and Scott Paterson have created a mobile, audio-visual project that will be accessible to visitors on portable media players in the Museum's 5th Floor Permanent Collection galleries. The project is inspired by the discrepancy the artists found between the dynamics of the art on view in the galleries and the rather passive and languid body language of museum visitors looking at that art.

Referencing the structure of the existing audio tour, the artists invite visitors to engage in a set of exercises designed to bring well-established behavioral codes of museum attendance into relief. Visitors are prompted by visual instructions that appear on the screens of the handheld players. The project's title has its roots in sports terminology where the term "follow-through" describes the act of carrying a motion to its natural completion. With "Follow Through," the artists are inviting visitors to complete the dynamics in the galleries in an experience that goes beyond the mental act of contemplating or interpreting artworks.

The exhibition was co-commissioned by the Whitney Museum of American Art and Antenna Audio and is sponsored by Antenna Audio.

Documentation of the project will be accessible online at and [More....]