Win a free subscription to Aspect Magazine!

Liz Nofziger:

Complete survey by 12/09/05 for a chance to win a one-year subscription to ASPECT!

ASPECT Magazine is conducting a survey to determine what you think of our publication and new or experimental media art in general. [....] Respond by December 9, 2005 for a chance to win one of five free subscriptions to be randomly selected from respondents.

ASPECT is a biannual DVD magazine of new media art. Each issue features 5-10 artists working in new or experimental media whose works are best documented in video and/or sound. Each work can be viewed with or without an additional commentator audio track. ASPECT has featured 33 artists and collectives, including the work of MTAA, Jim Campbell, Tony Cokes, Noah Wardrip-Fruin, and Denise Marika. Bill Arning, George Fifield, Marisa Olson, and Christiane Paul are among the list of distinguished commentators who have contributed to ASPECT. [....]