UPDATE CFP: <code> HumanSystems | DigitalBodies
Jeff Ritchie:

2006 iDMAa + IMS Conference HumanSystems | DigitalBodies


Final Call for Papers, Notes and Panels
Extended Deadline: December 5, 2005

The Conference seeks submissions of:

1) Papers for presentation and discussion. All papers will be refereed for acceptance and selected papers will be published in the iDMAa Journal. There will be an on-line proceedings, including all accepted work, as well. Please follow standard academic paper formatting conventions and do not exceed ten pages. YOU MAY SUBMIT A ONE-PAGE ABSTRACT AND/OR A TEN PAGE PAPER ON OR BEFORE DECEMBER 5. FINAL PAPERS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY MARCH 1.

2) Notes for presentation and discussion. Notes are at most two pages long. Online and interactive supplements can be included. "Notes" are intended to be a presentation of ideas that aren't quite as developed as a formal paper - much like an outline of ideas - leading to a discussion with the audience that allows the author to get their thoughts/reactions. YOU SHOULD SUBMIT THE FINAL VERSION OF THE NOTES ON OR BEFORE DECEMBER 5.

3) Panels. Participants are also encouraged to propose panels on topics of specific interest. Panel submissions should include a brief description of the panel topic and list of panelists. Note that any panel chair submitting a panel with a minimum of four panelists who are full paying registrants to the conference will receive a discounted registration. Typical panel sessions will have brief comments from each panelist followed by a discussion led by the panel coordinator.

Submissions should be in Microsoft Word or PDF format.

Supplementary materials may be submitted in formats displayable by standard web browsers with freely available plug-ins (e. g. Flash, RealPlayer, Windows Media Player 10 or Quicktime.)

All submissions should include a cover letter indicating which conference track is preferred. (See web site for a description of the tracks.)

Authors will be notified of acceptance by January 6, 2006.

Please send all submissions by December 5, 2005 to:

Prof. Peg Faimon, Program Chair
231 Hiestand Hall
Miami University
Oxford, OH 45056