Calling Experimental Artists, Writers, Musicians
Todd Brooks:

Pendu Gallery is an online gallery exhibiting contemporary works by emerging and established international artists who work in a variety of media. It is our mission to provide a professional space to promote innovative artists who are uninhibited to experiment with unique approaches to making art. The Gallery is working to obtain a physical space in the future.

Pendu Gallery exhibits sound-art (experimental, creative, noise, sound poetry, etc) text/writings (hypertext, flash text, concrete, abstract, experimental poetry, etc) and images/surrogates (painting, photography, video art, installations, new media, etc)

If you are a visual artist, sound artist, or a writer interested in exhibiting your work on this website, please send a cd-r for review that includes:
-project files+info (title, date, material, size, etc.)
-statement of intention,
-short bio,
-and list of previous exhibitions

Please do not send artwork via attachments in e-mail (that means no JPGs, GIFs, MP3's, etc.). If you would like me to preview your work before sending hardcopy, send a URL link.

Once you have been added to the site, you will be given your own URL @

Send Hardcopy Submissions:
Pendu Gallery
C/O Todd Brooks
435 E. 4th St. #3
Brooklyn, NY 11218

Send URL Submissions:

+Sound Art Submissions - Please send no more than 9 high-quality MP3's (192kbps) on a CD-R. [no .wav files please] [20mb file limit per track]
+Text Submissions - Please send in Rich Text Format or MS Word format. JPGs and GIFs are also acceptable.
+New Media Submissions - please send in .fla or .mov file format with a .txt file explanation for the piece.
+Image Submissions - Please send 6 - 18 large format (300dpi) .jpeg or .tiff files on a CD-R.

In accepting submissions, Pendu Gallery places emphasis on multiculturalism, pluralism, and diverse media as criteria. Due to the volume of submissions received, only potential candidates will be contacted.