Yep....this friday is the opening of "BEIGE: 320 by 200: DA SHOW" a show of work by everyone in the Beige Programming Ensemble! at Space 1026 in Philly --> Aka: cORY aRCANGEL (me), jOE bEUCKMAN, jOSEPH bONN, AND pAUL b. dAVIS. Opening 6pm. I'm showing the Mario Movie, Paul B. Davis is showing a new series of "Fantasy Mixtapes" which are mixtapes made by fantasy Djs (Al-Acid Martyrs Brigade, J. Paul Geddy Lee, and The High Jacker) that he has made along with prints of the cassette covers, Joseph Bonn is showing a series of ASCII prints "featuring portraits of b-grade celebrities underscored by subliminal and cultural cross-references", and Joe Beuckman is showing some of his amazing beadwork. Also, I'm gonna be doing my new "Lost in Paradise" lecture (an in depth comparision of Guns n Roses drummers Steven Adler, and Matt Sorum) at 7:30pm, and if it sucks, it might be the first and last time I ever do it, so that's all the reason more to visit the opening if you are near philly!!! ps - the show runs until the last Saturday in Nov. Space 1026 hours are 12-10pm, ring the bell.....