Mongrel Volkskrant piece
Mohammedb.jpg - a new work by mongrel commissioned by the Dutch newspaper Volkskrant

Tuesday, November 2nd, 2004, Amsterdam: film-maker Theo Van Gogh was found murdered in the early morning. His throat was slit and two knives were left implanted in his torso. One knife pinned a five-page note to his body. Mohammed Bouyeri, a 26-year-old man of Dutch and Moroccan descent, was apprehended by the police after being shot in the leg. In Dutch media he was subsequently referred to as "Mohammed B."

Posting to the nettime list, David Garcia writes: "The Oog platform [in] the on-line version of the Dutch national newspaper Volkskrant has been a platform for visual artists to commentate on news events...the 9th contribution to Oog is an extraordinary work by [UK artists collective] Mongrel. ... A glance at the archive will show that the possibilities interactive visual artists working in the context of mainstream news and commentary offers exciting possibilities which to my knowledge have not been explored in quite this way anywhere else. " David Garcia