The Upgrade!Istanbul

basak senova:



The Upgrade!Istanbul, curated by Basak Senova, organized by NOMAD launches on 24th of November at 17:00, santralistanbul.

The Upgrade! is a network of international monthly meetings in the field of art and technology. Since 1999, The Upgrade! exists as forums for artists, designers, critics, curators and educators who form the communities in different cities to discuss and share knowledge. Current nodes include Boston, Chicago, Montreal, Munich, NYC, Oklahoma City, Scotland, Seoul, Sofia, Tel-Aviv, Istanbul, Vancouver and Toronto. Host organisations include Eyebeam,, New Media Scotland, Art Centre Nabi, The Western Front, The Society for Arts and Technology (SAT), InterSpace, I-camp, DCA, CCA,, Art Interactive, santralistanbul, and TUBE.

The Upgrade!Istanbul will be monthly gatherings of new media artists, curators and other actors of digital culture in Istanbul.


24th of November 17:00- Introduction of Upgrade! Network and Upgrade! Istanbul by Basak Senova, NOMAD 24th of November 17:30- A discussion on "interaction and performance" with Aylin Kalem of TECHNE, Ilyas Odman and Irmak Arkman of KargART and Cetin Sarikartal. Ilyas Odman and Irmak Arkman will present their latest performance along with some documentaries from Skopje, Macedonia.

17:00 @ santralistanbul
silahtaraga - halic - istanbul

