last calls: ISEA2006 community domain + pacific rim
Rhizome YProductions:
The current calls for ISEA2006 (August 5-13, 2006, San Jose, CA) for
Community Domain commissions and Pacific Rim projects close August 1,
2005. See below.

For information about upcoming calls to submit work for the ISEA2006:

To join the ISEA2006 mailing list:

Please note there is currently no "general" call for works for ISEA2006.

This is an invitation by the ISEA2006 Symposium and ZeroOne San Jose:
A Global Festival of Art on the Edge to groups and individuals to
submit proposals for exhibition of interactive artworks and projects
reflecting on the thematic of the Pacific Rim. We are seeking
proposals that address, but are not limited to, art works that
emphasize radical and alternative responses to contemporary cultural
conditions throughout the Pacific Rim. Of particular interest are
projects that focus on engagements and interaction strategies with
Diaspora communities as well as work that enable new discourses,
platforms and explorations.

This is an invitation by the ISEA2006 Symposium and ZeroOne San Jose:
A Global Festival of Art on the Edge to groups and individuals to
submit proposals for exhibition of interactive artworks and projects
reflecting on the thematic of Community Domain. Up to three
commissions will be awarded, and the results will be shown at the
ISEA2006 Symposium and ZeroOne San Jose Festival.