Forbes Best of Art Blogging

Today Forbes Magazone Online released its Summer 2005 Best of the Web edition featuring ten favorites in categories such as Small Business, Heath and Fitness, Music, Auto, Video Blogging and, to my delight, Art. With the absence of any entertainment style blogs, it's refreshing that an Art Blog section came through. Yes, abLA is mentioned alongside blog friends Modern Art Notes and From the Floor. I am not going to get into the sites overlooked and why they should be included. Lists always miss something. (I will point out that Artforum Diary, though online, is not a blog and that one site from a person I adore hasn't been updated in over a year) or some of the factual inaccuracies. What is important is the highlighting of art blogs biggest achievement:

Perhaps most importantly, blogs revive the fine art of discussing ideas--an antidote to one-sided, jargon-filled critics' pronouncements.

Don't get me wrong, I like jargon but I like the kick-in-the-pants blogs give jargon more. I mean here we are right now, at the best part of blogs - interacting with the media. What a cycle.