Report From Artbots 2005

Jonah Brucker-Cohen:
Report from Artbots 2005, July 15-17, 2005

Held for the first time outside of the US, the 4th annual "Artbots: The Robot Talent Show" took place in Saints Michael and John church in Dublin, Ireland. During an unusually warm summer in Dublin, the yearly event showcased over 20 projects from 10 countries ranging from kinetic art-producing robots to solar robot and scrapyard sound workshops. Organized by Douglas Irving Repetto and curated this year with Michael John Gorman and Marie Redmond, the event featured an even more international group of artists than from previous years coming from as far as South America, Europe, US, and the Middle East.
The show was held in conjunction with the larger, summer-long "Save The Robots" festival about the culture and history of robots organized by The Ark, a cultural center for children located in the heart of Dublin's Temple Bar district.